Monday, April 22, 2013

For Him Each Moment

For Him, Each Moment
One of my favorite passages of Scripture is Colossians 3.  Paul recognizes the dramatic change in the person because of Christ and then encourages that they should live out that change in every aspect of how they live. 
If it is true that we have been raised with Christ, i.e., that we have been transformed by his death and resurrection, then we are no longer the same person.  Therefore, our wants and desires should be different from when we did not know Christ.  In Colossians 3:1, Paul exhorts the believers to seek the things above, referring to that which builds the kingdom of God.  This is a pursuit of the heart that is continuous and active.  Our affections are to lie on what lies beyond the present and earthly.  Our thoughts are to be actively and constantly set heavenward rather than to the things on earth. 

The reason for this new pursuit is because we have died to our old ways and we are now hidden with Christ.  No longer is the world to see us, but rather they are to see Christ through us.  The result of us remaining hidden is that when Christ is glorified, we will be revealed in glory with him. 
I think many times, people forget that a commitment to Christ is a change in identity.  It is a dying to self and being united to Christ.  We try to compartmentalize religion to make it fit into what makes us feel comfortable rather than allow Christ to transform who we are from the inside out.  We feel good about ourselves if we give an hour to God on Sunday mornings.  Yet, we miss the point.  Christ wants every breath, every moment.  He must become greater and we must become less.
However, when we begin pursuing the things of this world instead of the things of God, we are not allowing ourselves to remain hidden.  We are not remaining united with Christ in his resurrection.  Instead, we are walking in the way we used to live.  Often, we think that this will lead to self-glorification, but that glory is futile and fades.  It does not satisfy. 
So how do we do CONTINUE to seek the things above, especially when our lives are so BUSY?  Do we clear out the schedules?  Do we incorporate Christ into them? How do we CONSTANTLY think about the things of heaven and not the things of earth when the demands of earth threaten to dictate our lives. 
I want to dialogue about this issue.  As women, how do we give each moment to Christ, while at the same time balancing the roles of career, girlfriend, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc.?  Please comment.  In the following weeks, my desire is to tackle the issue of being whole-hearted devoted followers of Christ, as women, in a world that conflicts with this idea.  I ask that you join me in this endeavor of prayer, dialogue, and study as a woman, no matter where you are at relationally, spiritually, professionally, etc.  Will you join the journey?
Seeking Him,


  1. I believe we live for Christ through the roles God gives to us. We can't departmentalize our lives into neat defined roles because they bleed together much like paints placed next to each other on the pallete. Too many women don't feel like they can serve Christ until they have obtained a certain role, but the truth is we are called to serve wherever we are no matter the conditions of our lives.

    1. Great word Rose! I defititely believe that we are to use our God-given roles for His glory. I love your word picture. In living whole-heartedly for Chrit through our roles though, we have to make certain that Christ remains our priority. For instance, in my role as a mom, if I allow my children to become everything to me, they then become an idol. No longer is that role a conduit of building the kingdom, but rather a distraction. I know that sounds harsh, but I think that sometimes, we spend more time functioning and performing in the roles God gives us without being intentional about the Source who has placed us there. I know I am guilty of that.
